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Our Top 5 Full Face Masks of 2019

We’re rounding out our final choices for the top masks of 2019. Last, but certainly not least is the full face mask. While nasal masks are the first choice for those new to CPAP, these are the solution for mouth-breathing CPAP users. These masks allow you to breathe through your nose or mouth, and recent improvements have allowed them to become more comfortable and less invasive.

The first two masks on our list are our top choices. The ResMed Airfit F20 Full Face Mask is leaps above those that came before. Its cushion design is soft and flexible, with reinforced areas where it’s needed. It is designed to seal with the help of the air pressure, allowing you to wear is more loosely then seems right. We like that it is so simple – There are only a few pieces, which is a huge difference to some of the older ResMed styles.

Next, we take a look at the Fisher & Paykel Simplus. This is a close runner up and has 3 key features that make this mask a great one. The first allows the top of the cushion to roll back on itself to increase comfort in that area. Its specially designed headgear stretches and provides the best stability. It also offers few parts for easy cleaning and reassembly.

The next mask takes a different look at the full face mask. The ResMed Airfit F30 offers a mouth cushion in combination with a nasal cradle to create a seal in a minimal way. One of the issues that our clients have with full face masks are how bulky they are, and this is a good solution. It also has a unique air outlet system to reduce the flow and noise of the exhaled air. And of course, it comes with the magnetic clips for easy release.

The Respironics Dreamwear Full Face Mask is unlike the others on this list with one key difference – where the tubing is connected. The Dreamwear is part of a series of masks that includes a nasal cradle and nasal pillows as well. It features a unique design attaching the tubing at the top of the head and air flow through the frame of the mask. This allows better movement and sleeping positions for CPAP users. It also avoids the troublesome bridge of nose area.

The last mask on our list is the ResMed Airtouch F20. It has the same frame and headgear as the Airfit F20 mentioned above, but the cushion is something special. It is made from a soft and mouldable memory foam to create the most comfortable seal. It is a special breathable material to improve air flow as well. It doesn’t hurt that it’s currently on sale!

So that rounds out our review of our favourite masks for this year. We’ve already seen some promising new entries coming soon that will build on what we have here.

Next week we’ll look at the difference between different types of machines. And as always, if there’s a question you want answered, let us know!

If you want a recap of the other masks we've covered:

The Top 2 Direct Nasal Masks of 2019

The 4 Best Nasal Masks in 2019

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