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So many choices! Finding a CPAP mask

When patients first come in for a CPAP setup, they can see some of the mask choices on display in our offices. Of course there's curiosity, but also surprise!  Since CPAP isn't talked about very often, there is the general belief of the "Darth Vader" mask, and I think most people are surprised and impressed at how small, and comfortable they can be!

Before we go further, there are 3 different mask categories. Our Sleep Therapist's primary goal is comfort. Next, they look at how you breathe. Are you a comfortable nose breather? Or are you more natural through your mouth? No matter what, there is an option for you!

The most common are nasal masks. They are the easiest to fit and get used to. Our Sleep Therapists look to the Airfit N20 or Eson 2 for the best fit. Even they have differences, the Eson 2 headgear can be stretched right over your head, without undoing the headgear. The N20 has a special cushion that assists with sealing and magnetic clips!


A nasal mask isn't for everyone, especially those who breathe through their mouths. For those patients we look to the full face masks. These masks do cover the nose and mouth, but it is amazing to see the improvements that have been made in the last few years. We recommend the Airfit F20, but there are really unique options like the Amara View!


The darling of the CPAP mask collection is the nasal pillow. Patients are drawn to this mask for different reasons, some have claustrophobia, others just like the freedom they offer! We recommend two masks to our patients, the Airfit P10 and the Brevida. With a totally free line of sight and barely anything on your face or head, it provides ease and simplicity that the others don't. Since this mask tends to make the pressure more direct, we tend to keep them reserved for patients under a pressure of 10 cmsH20.


For our existing clients, we usually go by "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". If you are happy with your current style and it hasn't caused you any issues, than it's probably the mask for you. However, if there is anything that you have simply adjusted to, like a sore nose bridge or leaks into the eyes, please give us a call! We would love to find an improvement for you. 

Lately, of course, in Manitoba, our patients have felt the squeeze of new CPAP charges. We know that this will play a role in what mask you choose. Some guidelines for this: nasal masks and newer styles tend to cost the least, full face masks the most. And please don't sacrifice comfort for price - the more comfortable you are, the more you will want to use your CPAP! And remember that we do have a 10% coupon code for existing patients, and soon will be adding an extra 5% off if you refer a new patient to us! Call or message for more details. 

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